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Cedar nut oil in cosmetology

Cedar nut oil in cosmetology

  Cedar oil can be truly called one of the healthiest food product and medicine. It is so full of vitamins, minerals and microelements that it can easily substitute coconut oil, burdock oil and sea-buckthorn oil. Every woman knows all the advantages and nutritional characteristics of this oil and for centuries has been using it for beauty and health. It is highly recommended for face, hands, hair and nails care.
Trying to prolong our youth and beauty many of us come to traditional medicine. The main advantage of this oil is the composition which truly can be called a warehouse of nutritionals and vitamins.
It consists: Vitamin F, which is especially necessary for those who live ecologically unfriendly and polluted territories and needs polyunsaturated fatty oils. Cedar oil has even bigger amount of polyunsaturated fatty oils than cod-liver oil. Vitamin E helps to save beauty and youth and to prevent different types of cancer. The amount of this vitamin is bigger than in coconut and olive oils. Group B vitamins helps to restore the nervous system. Vitamins P reduce the level of cholesterol.

Cedar nut oil for face beauty

If your face skin is peeling or too dry and rough cedar oil is the first aid. It nourishes, recovers, treats and softens the skin, which is especially important in winter time, when our faces are attacked by aggressive winter weather. It is impossible not to notice that cedar oil positively influences on fading skin, it lifts it, speeds up the cell’s regeneration and makes it visibly younger. Redness, inflammations and itch will go to the past forever if you start using different masks based on cedar oil. It also can be used pure or can be added into face creams or masks. Those who value traditional cosmetology substitute any natural oil which a component of any mask or balms is, with cedar oil. A positive effect can be noticed after a couple of weeks of regular usage. Face color becomes much better, a healthy blush appears, skin gets cleaner if cedar oil is used as a food dressing as well.

Cedar nut oil for hands and nails

A woman’s age can be noticed by her hands. If not to pay any attention to hand care, its skin will lose its firmness and healthy color. The role of oil in hand care is immense. The main reason of using the oil is nourishing, recovery and protection of hand skin. For reaching better results it is important not to limit the usage of oil in hand care by one month. It is better to make it as a rule to smooth hands and nails and they will look perfect in any age. It is especially important to take care of hand skin in winter; cedar oil nourishes it very well. Antioxidants stop the process of ageing and fading, and it won’t cost you any efforts. For taking care of hand skin it is only necessary to smooth it with cedar oil before going to sleep. The result will be astonishing! If to smooth a nail with cedar oil it will be stronger and harder to break, and nails will grow faster. After that you won’t need any artificial nails, your nails will be strong, long, beautiful and healthy. When you smooth your nail with cedar oil cuticle becomes softer that is why manicure will be not needed for a longer period if time.

Cedar nut oil in hair cosmetology

Using cedar oil in hair cosmetology helps to get rid of main hair and head skin problems. Hair loss, hair shedding, scruf, inflammation and itch will go to the past if you add a few drops of cedar oil into hair masks and balms.

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