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About walnut oil


One of the most delicious and aromatic oils on our table is walnut oil. Health properties and spheres of use of this product are very various, because it contains so many vitamins, minerals and nutritionals that it can substitute even some types of food in our everyday diet.
It is made of nutmeats of walnuts by cold pressing. Cold pressing excludes its heating. As a result our oil is liquid, golden and preserves all nutritionals.


Nice and pleasant nut flavor, rich smell and wonderful golden color make it perfect for various recipes. Due to its high effective influence on human organs and systems of human body, and positive influence on our organism in different diseases, walnut oil is highly used in cosmetology.
Walnut oil contains the following polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmic acid, stearic acid and others. Our oil is full of such minerals and vitamins as: iodine, zink, calcium, ferrum, cuprum, magnesium, vitamins C, E, PP, K, A, group B and coenzyme Q10.


Our walnut oil is able to give salads original walnut flavor if it is used as a dressing. Because heating can change its taste not for good we recommend you to make only cold sauces for your dishes. Wonderful variant is a salad of fresh vegetables with a couple of walnut oil drops. More nutritive dish is meat starters with walnut oil. For instance if you combine poultry meat, grapes, green salad, walnuts and dress it with walnut oil you can have a delicious holiday dish.
Dough for cakes and pies will also have exquisite flavor if you add a spoonful of walnut oil just before cooking. Flavor of meat and fish dishes becomes better and rich if you use walnut oil as a base of sauce or just before cooking.
Wonderful bunch of flavors of French and oriental cuisines is specified by adding a “secret “ingredient — walnut oil. Almost no one knows but this product is added by chefs while cooking kebabs; in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in Greek cuisine, oil is used as a dressing for pasta, for desserts and even in seafood.


In cosmetology walnut oil is a component for different products for face and hands. It soothes moistures and nourishes skin, takes away different excitations, softens tough zones on elbows, feet and knees.
Walnut oil tonics, rejuvenates, boosts elasticity, improves complexion, is very effective at dry, fading and aging face skin. Helps to get rid of red micro vascular face net.
Walnut oil for hair serves to its recovery, strength and stimulates hair growth.
Using walnut oil for suntan protects skin from sun burning and makes suntan beautiful and smooth.

It was noticed that walnut as a cosmetic product is light, easily absorbing, doesn’t bridge the pores and makes suntan golden-chocolate. It moisturizes hand and feet skin, prevents and removes nail peeling.

Medical purposes 

Nutritive and dietic characteristics of walnut oil let it to be used by healthy people and also by people who have different diseases. It almost doesn’t have any side-effects and negative-effects (except idiosyncrasy).
The benefit of walnut oil for healthy people lies in its preventive characteristics:
strengthen immune system, strengthens infection, cold and radioactive effects resistance;
— has antioxidant effect, takes radionuclides away from organism;
— prevents the development of atherosclerotic plaques;
has aphrodisiac features;
helps metabolic processes;
improves liver condition;
improves digestion.

Medical qualities of walnut oil are various and help to use it with therapeutic purposes at different diseases:
— oil helps in decreasing the level of cholesterol and can be used in a complex therapy for atherosclerosis treatment;
— anti-inflammatory and bactericide characteristics of walnut oil are used in arthritis therapy;
— regenerating and wound-healing ability is helpful in treating burns, wounds, dermatitis, skin sores, chronic skin diseases — psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis;
— ability to recover GIT mucous is used in treatment of ulcerous processes in disease-free survival, colitis;
— acts as helminthicide and detersive medicine;
— antihyperglycemic qualities are useful at diabetes and for people with overweight.

Clinical researchers of walnut oil influence on human’s organism hasn’t been held, all information presented above is based on customers’ personal experience.

It must be remembered that walnut oil is not recommended for children under 3 and people with personal intolerance.

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